Your team of experts

José Francisco Suárez Sánchez (M.D.)
Facts on facelifting

Treatment methods: | Surgical tightening of face/neck region and deep-lying tissues |
Treatment duration: | 2-5 hours |
Anaesthesia: | Local or general anaesthetica |
Aftercare: | Gentle compression bandage |
Removal of sutures: | after 6 - 8 days |
Presentable: | after 6 - 10 days |
Costs: | Facelift from 8,500 € plus anaesthetic, clinic and accommodation costs Mini Facelift from 5,500 € |
As the years go by, time inevitably begins to take its toll on our faces. Our skin loses its elasticity and begins to slacken, to the extent that certain parts of our faces visibly begin to droop. The results can often include prominent facial wrinkles, drooping jowls, bags under the eyes or a double-chin, and the face appears drawn and tired as a whole.
A whole host of factors can play a role in the development of such signs of ageing. External influences like UV radiation can age the skin, as can smoking and a generally unhealthy lifestyle. For some people, the appearance of their skin grows older at a younger age for genetic reasons. This aged appearance can be extremely troubling; those affected often feel that their looks in no way reflect their inner vitality and zest for life.
If minimally invasive applications no longer achieve the desired results, a surgical facelift could be the perfect solution. In this procedure, which lasts several hours, we tauten parts of the facial skin which have become slack, achieving lasting results in doing so. The face regains its natural structure and tone, and appears noticeably rejuvenated.
At Central Aesthetics, we take the time to plan individual facelift treatments for each and every patient. As a result, we can guarantee long-lasting results which tone your natural facial features to your advantage. We’d be happy to advise you personally on a potential facelift. Give us a call to arrange a non-binding consultation meeting at our practice.
Frequently asked questions on facelifting
A facelift would be suitable for patients who want to remedy their sunken facial features and add a new sense of vitality and suppleness to their skin. In facelifts, we gently lift parts of facial skin which have become slack in order to imbue a new sense of youthful freshness and elasticity.
Surgical facelift procedures are particularly prudent options for people who find they are no longer able to achieve the results they want with minimally invasive treatments. However, if the skin ageing process has not progressed too far, we would advise against a facelift. In such cases, minimally invasive anti-wrinkle treatments or a mini-lift might be better choices.
For a facelift to proceed free from complications, it’s important that the patient is in generally good health. Certain pre-existing conditions and risk factors will increase the risk of complications in a surgical procedure. It’s for this reason that, here at Central Aesthetics, we carry out detailed preliminary examinations and ask each patient about any pre-existing conditions and allergies.
Depending on any existing complaints and any specific requests they might have, different patients might be suited to different surgical techniques. In a classic facelift, the entire face is treated with long-lasting results. To do so, we make several incisions in inconspicuous locations along the temples and behind the ears. We then detach the skin from the underlying tissue and pull it backwards before removing any residual excess skin.
To achieve a lasting, natural-looking result, we usually also tauten deeper tissue layers. This would involve a multi-stage procedure, such as the so-called ‘deep-plane’ procedure or a ‘SMAS’ facelift. If necessary, we can also combine a facelift with a procedure to tauten the skin of the neck, chest or eyelids.
Patients whose skin is yet to age too far might consider a mini-lift. In this procedure, we only tauten specific areas of skin in the chin and cheek areas. A small facelift like this involves less risk, but also aims to achieve less transformative tautening effects than a classic facelift.
Before the facelift, we’ll provide you with precise information on how to prepare for the surgery. We recommend that smokers keep their nicotine consumption to an absolute minimum for 4 weeks before the procedure. You should also stop taking any anticoagulant medication for a short period. In addition, we carry out detailed examinations before performing a facelift to make sure that you’re in generally good health.
Before the surgery itself, the surgeon will first hold a detailed consultation meeting with you. In this appointment, they will work with you to outline and define the precise treatment plan. The facelift itself takes place under general anaesthetic, and takes around 3–5 hours.
After the anaesthetic has been administered, the surgeon starts to make the requisite incisions. They then begin to lift drooping areas of skin and return them to their original position, removing any residual excess skin in doing so.
Finally, the surgeon checks over the result and sutures the incisions together. A bandage will be applied to the wounds, and you will then stay in the practice overnight. The following day, the results will be examined again before you’re allowed to check out of the practice.
After a facelift, you should get a lot of rest and protect your face. You should try not to make any sudden head movements, and avoid burdening your facial muscles. We would also advise raising your torso and head when you lie down. Following facelift surgery, you’ll be given a bandage which you should wear for a few days. Around 10 days after the surgery, the sutures are removed and the wounds inspected once again.
We’ll provide you with precise instructions on how to care for the scars. Over time, the scars will fade to the extent that they’ll barely be noticeable to the naked eye. However, such good results require careful, diligent aftercare by the patient. Furthermore, the surgical wounds must be protected against direct sunlight for a period directly after surgery. You should also avoid sport and visits to the sauna for the first few weeks after a facelift.
Today, facelifts are one of the most routine procedures in plastic-aesthetic surgery. Despite this, and as with any surgical procedure, there is a certain risk of complications. In rare cases, complications can include secondary haemorrhages, wound healing deficits or infections. In even rarer cases, visible scarring or nerve damage may result from the procedure. In the event of overcorrection, the face can appear twisted and mask-like. In order to prevent such complications, you should always choose to have your facelift performed by an experienced surgeon.
The time required off work following a facelift depends on the activities your job involves. On average, it takes between 2–4 weeks before our patients’ appearance is fully presentable again. Any initial swelling or bruising should subside within this period. You can resume light activities such as office-based work after just a few days.
A surgical facelift produces lasting results – which our patients benefit from for the rest of their lives. Of course, the natural skin ageing process will also continue after the procedure, and some patients may wish to undergo a further facelift at a later point in time. However, it’s usually at least 10 years before patients consider making such requests.
The cost of a facelift here at Central Aesthetics depends on the scope of treatment and the treatment method selected. Get in touch with us directly: we’d be happy to determine the precise costs involved in your individual case in a consultation appointment.
Central Aesthetics by Dr. Deb
Mainzer Landstraße 65
60329 Frankfurt am Main
Opening hours
Monday | 8:30am - 6:00pm |
Tuesday | 8:30am - 6:00pm |
Wednesday | 8:30am - 6:00pm |
Thursday | 8:30am - 6:00pm |
Friday | 8:30am - 6:00pm |
and by appointment