Upper arm lift

Your team of experts

Dr. med. Yohan Ko


Dr. med. Isabel Kiehlmann


Facts on upper arm lifting

Treatment methods:Liposuction directly before surgery to tauten upper arm skin
Treatment duration:2,5 hours
Anaesthesia:Twilight anaesthetic
Aftercare:Compression for 2 weeks
Removal of sutures:Absorbable sutures used
Presentable:after 2 - 3 days
Costs:From 6,000 € plus anaesthetic, clinic and accommodation costs

Areas of excess skin on the upper arms can be extremely burdensome for those affected. Many people with excess skin suffer particularly badly in summer, as they attempt to hide their upper arms or avoid short-sleeved clothing. This can place considerable restrictions on a person’s everyday life.

There are a variety of potential causes of the condition, pejoratively referred to as ‘bingo wings’. In many cases, they develop as a result of considerable weight loss. While the fatty tissue forms back into shape, the overstretched skin is unable to do the same. For others, genetic factors play a role – while the natural ageing process also causes skin to become slack over time.

If sport and other non-invasive approaches fail to yield results, an upper arm lift is often the only effective solution. In this surgical procedure, we remove excess skin and also perform liposuction if required. The results of this treatment are toned, defined upper arms that help the patient to feel happy in their own skin again.

At Central Aesthetics, we provide you with personal advice on whether and how an upper arm lift can be used to achieve your desired results. In the planning stage, we place particular emphasis on the individual care we offer our patients, and always put your wishes and requirements first. Get in touch today and arrange a personal, non-binding consultation appointment.

Frequently asked questions on upper arm lifting

Upper arm lifting is suitable for any and all patients who suffer from slackened upper arm skin. Significant weight loss is one of the most common causes of excess upper arm skin. An upper arm lift is a straightforward procedure that allows us to tauten skin with lasting results. The treatment can also tone and shape upper arm skin that has become slack as a result of genetic factors or natural ageing.

In an upper arm lift, we remove tissue that can no longer form back into shape of its own accord. If a patient has good quality tissue and only small quantities of excess skin, we can often achieve entirely satisfactory results simply through liposuction. Before choosing a treatment path, we’ll advise you in detail on which method is most suitable for you.

Before performing an upper arm lift, we hold an in-depth consultation with each and every patient. In this meeting, we explain the procedure itself, the aftercare involved and any potential treatment risks. Your doctor will work together will you to produce an individual treatment plan, taking into account your personal circumstances and wishes.

We usually perform upper arm lifts under local anaesthetic combined with some form of sedation. In rare cases, a general anaesthetic may be required due to the treatment’s scope. The surgeon precisely maps out where to make the incisions, taking care to keep any potential scarring to a minimum. After the anaesthetic has been administered, they start to remove the excess skin.

If appropriate, we combine upper arm lifting with liposuction in order to achieve optimal overall results. In this case, the tissue is then injected with a fluid which makes it easier to separate excess fat from other body tissues.

At the end of the procedure, the surgeon sutures the surgical wounds and places a compressive bandage over the treated area. As an upper arm lift only removes the uppermost layer of skin and retains all deeper tissues, the risk of injuries or complications is low. At Central Aesthetics, we take particular care to perform upper arm lifts in a manner that is kind to the remaining tissues. As a result, the surgery only results in minor swelling, while patients may also experience a slight feeling of tightness.

Upper arm lifting allows us to achieve lasting results which, in an ideal scenario, last a lifetime. Whether upper arm skin will slacken again depends heavily on the patient’s actions following treatment. We recommend that our patients follow a healthy lifestyle and actively try to avoid gaining weight again.

However, new areas of excess skin may develop over time as part of the natural ageing process. If you would like a further lifting treatment at a later date, we at Central Aesthetics will be ready and waiting to assist you. In most cases, however, a second upper arm lift is not necessary.

After upper arm lift surgery, the wounds are sutured and covered with plasters. We’ll then provide you with an individually tailored compression sleeve that you’ll need to wear for some time. Your doctor will give you more detailed information in this regard. In our practice, we use absorbable sutures in upper arm lifts, thus eliminating the need to remove them.

For a short period after the procedure, you may feel a feeling of tightness when moving your arms. However, such symptoms are entirely normal and usually subside quickly. Any initial swelling should also fade within a matter of days.

An upper arm lift does leave relatively long scars, though they do fade over time to become light lines. At Central Aesthetics, we always strive to ensure that scars are as inconspicuous as possible. As a result, incisions are normally made in the skin on the underside and back of the upper arm, which means the subsequent scars will barely be noticeable when healed.

In principle, it’s entirely possible to tighten stretched skin through exercise. However, this doesn’t work for everyone, as tissue quality differs from one individual to the next. If a person loses a significant amount of weight which leaves them with little to no excess fat, and also has good quality tissue, there’s a high chance the skin will form back.

When carried out professionally, an upper arm lift is generally a very low-risk procedure. We don’t remove any deep tissues when tightening the upper arm skin. As a result, the risk of any damage to deeper tissues, muscles and nerves is almost entirely excluded. As with any surgical procedure, an upper arm lift is associated with certain general surgical risks. Rare complications include infections, secondary haemorrhages and wound healing deficits. Your doctor will discuss these and other risks with you prior to treatment.

An upper arm lift does result in scarring; the appearance of these scars varies from one patient to the next. That said, with diligent and careful aftercare, patients usually develop relatively invisible scars. Furthermore, we make the incisions at the least noticeable location possible, meaning they are unlikely to attract attention when healed. However, the issue of scars is a key topic of discussion prior to the procedure.

A second upper arm lift can be performed at any time and as desired. However, in most cases a second treatment is unnecessary as a single procedure allows us to achieve lasting results.


Central Aesthetics by Dr. Deb
Mainzer Landstraße 65
60329 Frankfurt am Main

Opening hours

Monday8:30am - 6:00pm
Tuesday8:30am - 6:00pm
Wednesday8:30am - 6:00pm
Thursday                   8:30am - 6:00pm
Friday8:30am - 6:00pm

and by appointment